Querying Artifacts doesnt work
2018-02-07 13:25:45 UTC
Hi,I want to download the artifact with Jenkins from Archiva. For this Issue
i found Querying Artifacts
<http://archiva.apache.org/docs/2.2.3/userguide/querying-artifacts.html> .
The Problem is it doesnt work. I'm getting 204 No content, but artifact is
in repository. Then i found another Rest-Docu Archiva Web :: REST support
:: Api: SearchService
I've tried another service */searchService/searchArtifacts* and It works. I
was getting json response.Authent. is working fine. Only querying doesn't
Work.Once more, I had put "p" parameter from ( Archiva Web :: REST support
:: Api: SearchService::Artifact
) in Query and i got 500 and message "No message body writer has been found
for class org.apache.archiva.rest.services.ArchivaRestError, ContentType:

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